Sports and games
- 2020 Tasmanian Overland Track
- 2015 World Expeditions Vietnam Cycle Tour
- 2015 Cycling effort on Strava
- The Annual St Patrick’s Day Tennis Tournaments
- Bicycle training rides around Bathurst
- Bicycle routes around Bathurst
- Bathurst Bridge Club (no longer operational)
- Mudgee Guardian report on the 2013 Western Division Criterium Championships (Dec 12, 2013)
- 2014 Bathurst Time Trial Championship results
- About the Barnstoneworth United Football Club Orange
- Twitter: Second in the Bathurst Cycle Club’s 2013 D grade Criterium Championships
- D grade win in the BCC 2 stage tour (Dec10, 2013)
- My Australian Chess Federation rating (as at 2012)