10 Green Bottles Ride Day 1

Day 1 took us to Gloucester via Putty Rd, Singleton and D-d-d-u-u-u-n-n-n-gog. Click here for the map of day 1. [You can change the default imperial to metric on the map, under Settings.]

The Easterners — Neil, Greg, Richard and Barry — agreed to meet at Colo Heights. That changed as the slow trip delayed our rendezvous. We changed the meeting place to Bulga.

That was optimistic! After missing our much-altered rendezvous at Singleton, we finally all met up at our final destination for the day — Gloucester.

Why the delays? Maybe this picture may help…

The road to Lithgow via Tarana needed much repair, with many stops for roadworks.

We should’ve been happy. Worse was yet to come.

The Bells Line of Road was more roadworks than non-roadworks, with many of the stops involving 5-10′ waits.

At Bilpin, we had taken 3 hours to travel 145km. Luckily we had such powerful and fast bikes. [Sarcasm!]

At Colo Heights, the Bathurstians took a quick break before heading to Bulga at the end of the Putty Road. Unfortunately, the stop at Colo Heights was a little too quick, and Noel left his phone behind. [Well, we think so. At Colo Heights Noel had his phone, and at Bulga, he didn’t.]

He tried ringing the phone, and ringing the Colo Heights café, but to no avail. He was not in the best frame of mind to continue. I gave him $50 to cover petrol, etc and he returned home.

Another green bottle.

The Putty Road was like a menagerie. I saw my first live wild wombat (not too wild thankfully). Some/a lot saw and just missed riding over a big fat snake, which some thought was a python. Peter W also passed a nearby goanna.

The Bathurstians got to Gloucester just after 5, as the sun was low on the horizon. The Easterners had been there for several hours. [But were surprisingly sober.]

Weatherwise, we had rain on and off all day, but mainly off. A pretty good day for riding really.

Photos from our first stop, at Bowenfels.

Photos from our second official stop (not counting roadworks ????) at Colo Heights.

Photos from our failed planned meetup at Bulga.

Photos from lunch (or almost afternoon tea — the café planned to close 10′ after we arrived) at Cervoz Café, Singleton.

Photos from our overnight stay at the Roundabout Inn, Gloucester, and the refuelling at the local BP garage. Includes poor Brett with his stalled motorbike.

Travelling Statistics

  • Distance: 454km
  • Moving time: 6¼ hours
  • Total time: 9¼ hours
  • Maximum speed: 137kph
  • Average speed: 74kph

[Note that these stats are approximate, and taken from my Suzuki, and are mine only. Other riders will have different statistics. In particular, the maximum speed does not imply that we travel at these speeds. In fact, we generally aim to ride at the speed limit. The average speed verifies that this is the case.]


Start Day 1 Day 2 Day 3


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