10 Green Bottles Ride Day 3

Day 3 took us back home — wherever that may be. For the Bathurstians the route took us via Scone, Sandy Hollow, Bylong Valley Way, and Ilford. Riders to other locations left at Scone and Ilford (and unintentionally at Sandy Hollow).

The map for the majority can be found here. The day started with clear skies and sunshine, and a good day beckoned.

Click here for photos at Kootingal (including the evening of Day 2).

Photos of us waiting near Quirindi  for Adrian can be found here.

We all started together, but after a minute we lost a green bottle. Adrian detoured to refuel. We didn’t see Adrian again until Sandy Hollow. He enjoyed the town of Musselbrook, while the rest of us turned off at Scone.

At Scone, 2 green bottles, Brett and Richard,  enjoyed a tour of Scone while the rest of us had morning tea and a refuel at Macca’s and the neighbouring servo.

Photos from Scone are available here.

Another 2 green bottles left the group at Scone, one intentionally, and one not. Greg P left for home, while at a roundabout, we all turned right, except for the green bottle Peter H who continued straight on. Peter H said that he was unable to turn in the crowded roundabout. We reunited at Sandy Hollow, with Peter H arriving to applause about 15′ after the rest of us.

With the weekend drawing to close, we had one more green bottle to go. After we left Sandy Hollow to the East, Brett went West. It was not until ½ hour later at Merriwa that he realised that he was riding alone. [Brett did say that he was quite chuffed to get to Merriwa first.] He returned to Sandy Hollow, got instructions, and continued onto Bylong Valley Way and onto home (at about 6).

Click here for photos from Sandy Hollow.

Click here for photos from Rylstone.

Neil left us at Ilford, to catch up another day on another ride.

Travelling statistics

  • Distance: 441km
  • Moving time: 5 hours
  • Maximum speed: 147km
  • Average speed: 88kph

Total distance all up: 1115km

[Note that these stats are approximate, and taken from my Suzuki, and are mine only. Other riders will have different statistics. In particular, the maximum speed does not imply that we travel at these speeds. In fact, we generally aim to ride at the speed limit. The average speed verifies that this is the case.]

Thanks all for contributing to a great riding weekend, and especially to our road captain Willo for his leadership and generosity of his time. There would be no ride without people like Peter W, and Rob Smith.



Start Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

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