A last minute decision was made to attend The Australian Superbikes Round 1 at Phillip Island. The main reason was to clear away the cobwebs1.
Unlike my previous trips, I flew by the seat of my pants, making it up as I went along. I stopped when I needed a break, refuelled when required, booked only one night ahead, travelled at the pace I felt comfortable with at the time, changed my route when weather intervened, etc.
Day 1 – Tuesday 22 Feb – Bathurst to Tumut
- Trip: Bathurst, Woodstock, Wyangala, Boorowa, Harden, Jugiong, Brundle, Tumut.
- Accommodation: Royal Hotel, Tumut.
- bugs in the bed
- didn’t sleep the best, but probably due to the Bundy and cokes consumed earlier
- had in-house roast pork — senior’s serving size; it was delicious, and huge.
- Greg, friend of Frances, who manages the pub was away, and I missed out catching up.
- Left Bathurst at 11:15, and arrived in Tumut 4:15
- Oiled the chain and topped up the air in the tyres (35 front, 38 rear). I think I applied too much oil, as there was a hot smell from the bike for the next few days. I assume that it was the excess oil.
- I rode over a slithering snake near Frogmore; I stopped to make sure that it had not got caught up in the frame somehow. More for peace of mind me thinks.
- Lunch at the Superb Café in Boorowa, and a refuel at Harden. I intentionally made the food stops and fuel stops different, so as to give my body more stretches.
- The weather was mild to hot, and sometimes windy.
- I forgot to bring the right cable to charge my Garmin. I couldn’t find one for sale in Tumut. It is an older style mini-USB.
Day 2 – Wednesday 23 February – Tumut to Myrtleford
- Trip: Tumut, Tumbarumba, Elliot Way, Cabramurra, Tintaldra, Walwa, Granya Gap, Tallangatta, Gundowring, Myrtleford
- Accommodation: Golden Leaf Motel, Myrtleford
- Could not get ABC on the TV
- Left Tumut at 7:45 and arrived at Myrtleford at just before 3:00
- Rode over another snake, but this one was dead, even before I rode over it
- There were 3 other bikers at the Royal Hotel; they left earlier than me, at about 7
- Saw a herd of brumbies on Elliot Way, and lots of spoor. Frances would have loved to have seen them. It was her birthday today too.
- Elliott way is a magnificently scenic road. Breathtaking. Road was in fair condition with a few dirt patches of no longer than 50m all up
- Filled up at Tumbarumba. 280km later filled up at Tallangatta, and the low petrol warning light had not come on. The tank took 12.89l.
- Highway patrol just near Cabramurra! What are they doing out there with so little traffic. The speed limit was only 80kph, so I was lucky I spotted him early.
- Hume Dam is full. The Murray river looked magnificent.
- Second town where I couldn’t get a mini usb cable to charge my Garmin. Now on 14% so will use Strava on my phone tomorrow. The fellow at the Myrtleford Bike Shop said that there were many people who have forgotten their cables. But he didn’t have any in stock. Seems like he is missing out on an obvious market!
- Had my first Apple turnover (with cream of course) for a very long time — at Tallangatta. Thought of Peter Dykes when I almost bought a Vanilla Slice instead.
- Chips, and cheese, ham and biscuits with a Riesling for dinner. Forget the diet!
- It’s getting hot with chance of storms in the afternoon. I am glad I’m getting to my destination mid afternoon.
- This was a great days riding. My own pace. Twisted and wonderful scenery on Elliott way and Granya Gap
Day 3 – Thursday 24 February – Myrtleford to Lilydale
- Trip: Myrtleford, Oxley, Whitfield, Mansfield, Marysville, Reefton Spur, Warburton, Lilydale
- Accommodation: Yarra Valley Motel, Lilydale.
- Their wifi is locked down — doesn’t pass through email (POP3 and SMTP) and VPN, and my PLEX.
- I stayed at Lilydale to avoid riding in city traffic, and it would be quicker to get to Phillip Island on the Saturday. Unfortunately it is over an hour by train to the CBD, and on one occasion over 2 hours.
- Left at 8am; Arrived at Lilydale at 1:30pm
- First rain for the trip. Not a lot, but enough to dent my confidence over the powerlines between Whitfield and Mansfield
- I put my ‘wets’ on 5km short of Whitfield, just before climbing the Powerlines road, and just after the rain started to fall (but only lightly)
- Filled up at Alexandra, after 289kms from Tallangatta. Still the reserve fuel light did not alight. It seems the range on the SV650S is 360km when taking it easily.
- Lunch at Marysville Bakery — vegetable pastie and Dare iced coffee
- Quite a number of other bike riders about
- Even at my pace (slower than when trying to keep up with the Wankers), I passed another rider over Reefton Spur. At least he would have enjoyed the scenery; ’tis a lovely road.
- Had McDonalds! [First time in many years. Macca’s was right next door, and I felt like something non-complicated.]
Day 4 – Friday 25 February – Melbourne
- Stayed in Lilydale for the day, to catch up with Frances and Marnie
- Met Frances and Marnie at the Dirty Apron (Clifton Hill) for breakfast. I got an early train; had breakfast before they arrived (Chilli Scrambled Eggs). Marnie ordered the same but found the chilli too strong. I had the left overs (90% of Marnie’s)
- Walked casually along the Merri Creek Trail to Dight’s Falls and onto the Collingwood Children’s Farm.
- What a pleasant surprise.
- Spent quite a time petting sheep, cuddling guinea pigs, checking out the cows and birds and plants and flowers.
- Oh, and having a coffee.
- Continued onto Maniax in Abbotsford.
- Along the way, stopped at the Mega Vinnies store, but didn’t buy much (were the girls sick???). I bought a jigsaw for Dianna.
- Went across the road for coffee. At this random café, met up with Dan (Elle’s ex, and previous ‘worker’ at The Wall, Balaclava) and another guy I forget the name of. This other guy was playing at The Croxton that night, where Marnie was opening up. Coincidence!
- Tried Axe Throwing (at Maniax) for the first time. Frances was a natural, Marnie picked it up after awhile, and finally I found the little axe more to my style (just).
- Marnie left quickly to get to the Croxton on time; I went back with Frances where we watched Murder on the Orient Express. We were both very tired.
- I left Frances’ at just after 7, planning to get back just after 8 at Lilydale. No way.
- There was a bomb scare at Ringwood, and the area was off limits.
- I had to change trains from an express to an all stations.
- At Box Hill, the train terminated and we had to line up to catch an all stations bus to Lilydale. This bus took its time arriving, and I eventually got back to the motel at Lilydale at about 9:30.
- Of course during this time, my feet were aching (from all the walking), and my stomach was empty, and I was dehydrated). Fun and games!
- Succumbed and had another Macca’s
Day 5 – Saturday 26 February – Lilydale to San Remo
- Trip: Lilydale, Cockatoo, Pakenham, Koo Wee Rup, San Remo
- Luckily I had google maps telling me where to go in my earplugs…some of the roads weren’t signposted, even though I should know the way, having been this way many times before
- 40kph gusts…had trouble keeping the bike in the lane on the hwy
- Accommodation: San Remo Hotel Motel
- The TV remote control’s volume rocker was back to front: press ‘-‘ to increase the volume, and press ‘+’ to decrease the volume!
- Didn’t wake up till 8:40! Tired out from the busy previous day, and the curtains keep the room very dark. Arrived at San Remo at about 11:30
- Too early to check in at the Motel, but they looked after my gear while I went to the track.
- Friendly owner explained how the San Remo Hotel/ Motel recently had a fire. Wiped out the bistro, but the pub is still operational. They have an all day BBQ operating on weekends to compensate. The pub is very popular in the afternoon/evening. Crowds everywhere in Phillip Island.
- Bought a bucket hat at Cowes, as a souvenir of all my visits to Phillip Island — a 2018 WSBK hat…even though I didn’t attend this event, it was on special 😁
- Traffic in Cowes was dense…stop start traffic for a km. Don’t know why — not the GP, not the school hols, … Maybe everyone just wants to get out after being locked down for so long
- Excited to arrive at and ride around the outer of Phillip Island GP circuit. Iconic site, with many fond memories.
- Underwhelming support for the races…good crowd, but no food, no water, no commentary, limited details on the website. I only stayed a short time — at turn 5 leading into Siberia; to save dehydration.
- Watched ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’ on TV
Day 6 – Sunday 27 February – Phillip Island
- Spent the day at the Phillip Island track, and San Remo Hotel Motel
- At the track…
- excellent crowd for Aust Superbikes, but still no food or water. Commentary was restricted to the main straight.
- I was at turn 5 leading into Siberia. Had no idea what was going on. There were changes to the original schedule, but the website was scant (that is, non-existent) on details.
- I sat directly in front of the TV cameras.
- Only stayed about an hour. I would have dehydrated again if I stayed longer. Watched the rest of the meet on the live stream, and on SBS
- Received a text from Richard Bull advising me of the telecast. Surprised!
- Glen Maxwell, the pole sitter by about 1.5 seconds crashed in race one — at the Hayshed — but won race 2 on his spare bike. Staring won race 1 and runner-up in race 2
- Local Bathurst boy Corey Forde finished 19th in race 1.
- Had Whiting and Chips for lunch — delicious, but filling — very filling
- Watched Rockwiz after Rockwiz after Rockwiz on SBS. Great stuff!
- Rain, heavy rain was forecast for Bonang Hwy, Omeo Hwy, etc.
- Had to delay my trip home (staying in Melbourne for the next two days), and take roads West of the ranges instead (unfortunately).
Day 7 – Monday 28 February – Phillip Island to Lilydale
- Trip: Had time to kill after checking out at San Remo…took the coast road to Inverloch, via Cape Paterson to check out where Rob and I stayed once before. Meant to return on a more interesting road, but missed the turn off, and came back along the boring Bass Highway to Lilydale
- Lunched at the Great Bakery in Pakenham — chicken and salad wrap.
- Checked in to the Yarra Valley Motel half an hour early (1:30). Got the same room as a few days ago.
- Marnie picked me up to take me into Melbourne! (A long drive for her, but she insisted). Then picked up Frances, before watching Legally Blonde and playing ‘Spot It’ which Marnie won convincingly.
- Marnie took Frances home, from where I walked to Flinders St Station and caught the train back to Lilydale, changing trains at Ringwood. After leaving Frances’ at 9:55, I got back to the motel at 11:30. [Note to self: find a better place to stay which is quicker to get to the CBD next time]
- Had Thai for dinner. Marnie’s account was dry; I was able to transfer money from my account into hers straight away; Thank you OSKO — that is how it should be.
Day 8 – Tuesday 1 March – Lilydale
- Spent the day at the motel in Lilydale. The kids had a lot of work to do.
- Planned the return trip, did crosswords, and listened to the workman (who were instead consuming beers) swear quite strongly, even when a family arrived with little kids.
- Heavy rain was forecast for the Bonang and Omeo Highways. Changed my return route to go via Eildon, Tallangatta, Tumbarumba, Young, with some light rain forecast.
- Accommodation around Hume, Tallangatta and Corryong was all booked out. Changed my route to detour via Albury and Holbrook.
- Bought a delicious chicken and salad roll (plus an apple turnover with cream) at a local bakery. A fellow customer was 20c short in his bill, but insisted on returning with the 20c, even though I offered to pay.
- Rang Dianna in the morning — she had rung at 9:30 the previous night and sounded really really tired. She sounded OK this morning, preparing for her Bonsai class.
- As I was walking down the drive way off the motel to get a Macca’s, in drive Geoff and Ange from across the road in Bathurst. Small world! They are here for a friends wedding.
Day 9 – Wednesday 2 March – Lilydale to Holbrook
- Trip: Lilydale, Healesville, Eildon, Jamieson, Mansfield, Whitfield, Oxley, Beechworth, Albury, Holbrook
- Left at 7:15 and arrived at 3:00
- Accommodation: Byer Fountain Motel, Holbrook
- Acceptable; it had all that was needed.
- Their checkin was via text, with the key left in the room
- There was a restaurant where pre-orders were necessary. I had veg lasagna, which had obviously been reheated in the microwave, but it was on par with the establishment.
- For $88 per night, it was good value.
- Wore my wets…it rained on and off all day, but mostly on. But very light though.
- It is a nice time of the morning to travel through Black Spur, but unfortunately, a truck slowed my progress, and didn’t pull into the lay-by lanes to allow me to pass. It was still nice riding through Black Spur, with a hint of mist.
- The road at the back of Lake Eildon had lots of debris as usual, including some larger branches which blocked one side of the road in several spots. At that time of the day, there was no other traffic — it was just me and a couple of wallabies (who did the right thing and jumped away from the road), many colourful birds, lush forest, some mist, and damp roads.
- Roads were damp a lot of the way. I thought that the bike was a bit twitchy around Lake Eildon. Could have been in my mind, until a proper slide through the Powerlines Rd between Mansfield and Whitfield. It knocked my confidence, and I was very cautious from then on.
- Rained looked heavier through the Powerlines Rd, so waited 45’ at Mansfield at a bakery, hoping that the weather would change — for the better rather for the worse. The weather didn’t change, but it was not as heavy as it looked, and was light just like the rest of the day.
- The fuel reserve light came on at 283km just after Whitfield, After filling up at Oxley, it seems that I have about 80km in the tank when the fuel reserve light illuminates.
Day 10 – Thursday 3 March – Holbrook to Bathurst
- Trip: Holbrook, Hume Hwy to Little Billabong Rd, Rosewood, Tumut, Gundagai, Coolac, Young, Greenethorpe, Koorawatha (I took a wrong turn at Greenethorpe), Cowra, Bathurst
- Didn’t get going until 9:15. Got into Bathurst about 5:30
- Slept poorly, and had a splitting headache. Got pain killers at Gundagai that worked, thank goodness
- About a 5km stretch of 40kph roadworks between Greenhills and Tumut. Had a pleasant chat with the stop/go woman from Corryong. Apparently only about one bike a day takes this road. Surprising, as the road is good, and the corners are fast and sweeping.
- Stopped at Gundagai for lunch. There was much interest in a crane taking down a large structure at the top of the Niagara Café, which delayed traffic in the Main Street for some time.
- I discovered that there is a back way from South Gundagai to Gundagai that avoids the Hume Hwy.
- Staff at Gundagai Bakehouse weren’t wearing masks, even though they were required to do so.
- I was struggling at Young, but got a second wind, making the rest of trip quite OK
- Took the wrong turn at Young for Greenethorpe (but realised after about a kilometre), and took another wrong turn at Greenethorpe taking me via Koorawatha instead of the Mid-Western Hwy.
- The road to Koorawatha was very narrow; a very wide tractor took up the entire road, but luckily there was a a bit of a verge where I could park my bike while the tractor squeezed past.
- Heavy rain at Carcoar and Blayney. I put my wets on about 2km before the rain started…phew!
- Otherwise no rain at all; in fact beautiful clear blue skies until Young where the clouds started to build up.
- Very windy after Rosewood, and from Young to Bathurst.
Stats and maps

Day 1 – Tuesday 22 Feb – Bathurst to Tumut
- Distance travelled: 343 km
- Total duration: 4h 45m
- Moving time: 3h 36m
- Maximum speed: approximately 113kph
- Average speed: 95kph
Day 2 – Wednesday 23 February – Tumut to Myrtleford
- Distance travelled: 420 km
- Total duration: 7h 1m
- Moving time: 5h 3m
- Maximum speed: approximately 120kph
- Average speed: 83kph
Day 3 – Thursday 24 February – Myrtleford to Lilydale
- Distance travelled: 347 km
- Total duration: 5h 36m
- Moving time: 4h 20m
- Maximum speed: approximately 114kph
- Average speed: 80kph
Day 5 – Saturday 26 February – Lilydale to San Remo
- Distance travelled: 110 km
- Total duration: 1h 32m
- Moving time: 1h 28m
- Maximum speed: approximately 110kph
- Average speed: 75kph
Day 7 – Monday 28 February – Phillip Island to Lilydale
- Distance travelled: 186 km
- Total duration: 3h 22m
- Moving time: 2h 39m
- Maximum speed: approximately 117kph
- Average speed: 70kph
Day 9 – Wednesday 2 March – Lilydale to Holbrook
- Distance travelled: 438 km
- Total duration: 7h 24m
- Moving time: 5h 37m
- Maximum speed: approximately 121kph
- Average speed: 78kph
Day 10 – Thursday 3 March – Holbrook to Bathurst
- Distance travelled: 462 km
- Total duration: 8h 16m
- Moving time: 5h 15m
- Maximum speed: approximately 133kph
- Average speed: 88kph
Photos of the trip are few; mostly of my time with Frances and Marnie in Melbourne Axe Throwing, and enjoying some chill time at the Collingwood Children’s Farm. You can view them on iCloud.