2021 Binalong Ride


On the weekend of May 15-16, 2021,  members and hangers-on of the Panorama Motorcycle Club – Vintage and Veteran Group (PMCVV) had a wonderful, if freezing, 2 day motorbike ride to Binalong.

The ride was organised by the PMCVV members Rob Smith and Peter Williamson.

The intrepid riders originally listed to participate were:

Greg Smith
Roger O’Shannessy
Don Provest
Peter Williamson
Greg Donald
Greg Vinall
Chris Bennett
Greg Pratt
Rod Moad
Richard Bull
Peter Hein
Rob Smith
Nathan Taylor
Mark Pospishil (Poz)

Closer to the time, Barry Vincent and Glen Pangas also joined the trip. At Oberon, Greg S, Roger and Don found the cold too much and returned back to Bathurst. 

The route took us on day 1 to the Binalong Hotel via Tarana, Oberon, Taralga, Crookwell, and Boorowa. [Greg V took a detour via Harden]

We returned to Bathurst on Day 2 via Boorowa, Wyangala Dam, Woodstock, and Carcoar. [Greg V returned to Bathurst via Guyong Rd]

The full planned itinerary can be viewed here.


We couldn’t have this section without mentioning the Ducati — Willo’s Ducati that is. Here is a common picture of the Duke…

At Taralga. Peter’s leg had already given out. Nathan was now having a go. 😁

On the morning of Saturday 15th May, Peter had the choice of the reliable and comfortable Beemer, or the Ducati. The electrical wiring had been repaired, and the Ducati had started first time. Why not give the Duke a run?

At Macca’s carpark, the Duke fired up first time. All good. At Oberon, in the freezing temps of snow and sleet, the Duke fired up after a few kick-starts. All reasonably good.

At Taralga, well, that is another story. Peter tried kickstarting it; Nathan tried kickstarting it; Greg V tried kickstarting it; Peter had another go; Nathan had another go. The Ducati remained defiant. 

Rob went back to help and check on Glen who had come off a few kilometres short of Taralga. Glen rode his injured bike and body back to Bathurst, while Rob returned to Taralga, expecting the Ducati to be ticking over.

The Ducati had other ideas. Even after attempting a push start, no way was it starting.

A friendly local painter offered his plug sockets for Nathan to check whether the plugs were too wet. Unfortunately, the spanner was the wrong size.

Our next idea was to have lunch. The others had continued on at this stage, so as to get to Binalong in time. Rob, Nathan, Greg V and Peter had lunch at the Taralga Pub — giving the Duke time to rest, dry out,  and hopefully be more compliant. The Duke had plenty of time to rest, as our ‘quick menu choices’ including soup took what seemed an eternity to arrive.

During lunch, Rob was sure it was a fuel issue. Nathan had tested there was spark, and there was plenty of fuel in the fuel lines. Regardless, Rob was sure.

After returning after lunch, more kickstarting had the same result. Nothing!

As a last resort, we listened to Rob, and flooded the carbies. Brooooom! Up she fired! [Even on one cylinder at one stage.]

Well, how about that. The Ducati behaved itself for the rest of the trip, and we all lived happily ever after.

Peter has learnt to start the Ducati with the soothing words: “Flood ya bastard!

Apart from the Ducati’s cantankerousness, other incidents of note include:

  • At Oberon, Mark was looking everywhere for his glasses. Even went into the café to check. Of course, they were not on his head. He was actually wearing them!
  • At Oberon, we had snow and sleet, and the temp on the bike’s gauge showed 2º. Bloody cold! In fact it was too cold for Greg Smith, Roger O’Shannessy, and Don Provest who, with tails between their legs, headed back to Bathurst.
  • On the way to Binalong, Greg V took a detour via Harden to collect his Rabbitohs Cooler Bag and Pyrex dish which he had left there after a push bike ride a few weeks previously. Unfortunately, the pub had closed for the weekend. [I had arranged a few weeks prior, to pick it up this weekend, but I guess I was a low priority.]  Bummer!
  • At Binalong, the barmaids Lindsay and Tamika were dancing behind the bar, and the publican, Julie, was taking turns, dancing with us old guys. We all had a great time.

  • At Binalong, Peter and Greg V stayed up into the wee hours of the morning, and were very subdued the next day. [Although Peter led the field on his well-behaved Ducati]
  • At Binalong, at Breakfast on the Sunday morning, Richard and Greg V were a bit too exuberant, and the waitress who was serving the delicious and plentiful bacon, tomato and eggs gave Greg V her phone number.
Statistics and Maps
Day 1
  • map of our trip from Bathurst to Binalong via
    • Tarana
    • Oberon (with snow and sleet and strong winds and freezing temps)
    • Taralga
    • Crookwell
    • Boorowa
    • (and Harden for Greg V)
  • Distance: 369km
  • Moving time: 4h 6m
  • Elapsed time: 8h 28m
  • Maximum speed: 136kph
  • Average speed: 90kph
  • Minimum elevation: 313m
  • Maximum elevation: 1317m
Day 2
  • map of our trip from Binalong to Bathurst via
    • Boorowa
    • Frogmore
    • Woodstock
    • Carcoar
  • Distance: 221
  • Moving time: 2h 30m
  • Elapsed time: 3h 48m
  • Maximum speed: 138kph
  • Average speed: 88kph
  • Minimum elevation: 222m
  • Maximum elevation: 928m

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